Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Jonathan---West Michigan Natural Light Newborn and Child Photographer

I have been photographing Jonathan since he was 3 months old and he came to the studio for his First Birthday/Cake Smash session last was both wonderful and bittersweet to see him that day. I knew once his First Birthday session came and went that I wouldn't see him every 3 months anymore. We always have such a relaxing time during his sessions, his mom is so nice and laid back that she just lets him be himself. Jonathan is ALL boy from his mischevious little grin to his love for his football and little race car.

There is something amazing about being chosen as a photographer ( I never think of it as "I got a job and I am going to make some money" and I try not to think of it as "I am semi inexpensive and that's why I was chosen" LOL)esp for that first year! Babies go thru TONS of changes during their first year and being hired to capture those memories is something all photographers should cherish.

Enjoy your sneak of your little man Allison ;)

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