Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary Sale & Giveaway

It's here!!... my 1 year anniversary as a successful small business owner :)  It's been an amazing year and as a thank you to all my clients (new and repeat) I want to offer a sale in celebration!! All sessions (with the exception of mini sessions) are on sale for 25% off. Any session that you purchase today/tomorrow will be good till December 31st 2013. As a reminder I will be uping my prices at the beginning of the year so you will definitely want to buy NOW. Some sessions have a very limited number for sale, once they sell out they are gone... please don't hesitate to purchase! Also if you need a cd with your session, (instead of the DropBox digital download) the fee is $10.00, and there is a "cd added to any session" item so you can purchase a cd now if you need to as well. Sale will end when sessions sell out or October 26th at 11:59pm (which ever comes first).
You can view and purchase available sessions at

Along with my sale on sessions I am having a session giveaway!!! That's right I am giving away a session for added costs, no hidden fees ;)
You have three ways to gain entrance into the giveaway.

First-- all you have to do is comment on this blog post, no purchase necessary (how easy is that?!!)

Second--SHARE this blog post on FB with all your friends, family , and if you're a business owner, share with your clients..then come back and comment a second time letting me know you shared!

Third--if you purchase a session during the sale, comment a third time!

                               Winner will be announced Friday October 26th at 8pm

Since I believe the last time I posted on this blog was back in February (OUCH) I feel the need to share some recent images (esp since they look a whole lot better on here than on FB).


  1. Comment for you :-) I love that sessions are good until the end of next year!

  2. Comment numero dos because I shared on fb ;-) Talking to Christopher about if he'll be okay with me buying a session for bug for next year hehe

  3. THanks! we cant wait for the Cake smash!

  4. Comment :) Exicted for pictures next week & for Christmas minis!!! Possibly be able to buy for Lexi's 3rd birthday pictures, once I talk to the hubby :)

  5. Purchased 2 sessions... Hopefully Nate will give in for a couple more yet today =)

  6. Yah!! i just purchased williams cake smash for next year so excited!!!!!

  7. Love your pictures one of the best!!!!!

  8. I cannot wait until we do the cake smash!

  9. Love your photography...happy 1st anniversary...I'm sure u will have many more(this is first comment)

  10. I shared ur blog...hopefully u will get even more business my friends love ur pics :-)

  11. Just bought 2 sessions can't wait to use them :-)

  12. I am going to share. You know I LOVE your work!!!!

  13. Newborn session purchased! I can't wait!

  14. You've met Mya, you're about to meet Mason, and now all we have to do is have you photograph Mackenzie!

  15. purchased! :-) Yay!!! won't be used til fall probably b/c I just love the colors of the minis you photographed, but Mikayla will be able to stand on her own by then

  16. Replies
    1. I counted Jackie... I have 8-9 photos of Easton smiling :D

  17. Okay I figured it out.... get ready to take pictures of Miss Paige in December when she turns 3.

  18. I shared to my facebook!! Good luck.

  19. Love your work!! Happy annIversary!!

  20. I can't wait for our newborn session!

  21. I bought a cake smash session for Payton =)

  22. Congrats, Katie!! Sharing your blog on FB!! :)

  23. Love the pictures!!! Would love to win your giveaway!!

  24. Congrats!!! Moe than happy to share your work. I think I have sent most of my friends and family your way!

  25. I have heard wonderful things about your work and look forward to having some sessions done :)

  26. Congrats on your anniversary! You do such beautiful work:)

  27. I purchased a session for our appt on the 4th. Can't wait!!

  28. So glad I stumbled on your page. Happy anniversary!

  29. Excited for the TWO sessions I just purchased!!

  30. Congratulations on your 1st successful year as a business owner~ woohoo! Looking forward to you capturing some fun and special times with my kids in the future.
    Also shared this Blog on Facebook :)

  31. Congrats on your anniversary! :)

  32. I'm pretty sure I shared your Blog on FB aboutt 30 times lol :))
    But why wouldn't I, I send everyone to you anyways ;)

  33. Commenting!!! ALready shared! Would love to win!

  34. Trying again to get in on the give away. Didn't seem to want 2 work yesterday. Thank Kathryn
